Top 10 Giving Back Boredom Busters

Welcome to the endless summer, Maryland! Where you’ll get 4,200 additional renditions of “I’m Bored!” Ok ok, school does start back September 4 but that seems really far away. So to help you reduce the “I’m Boreds” by 10, here are ten things your kids can do to help others this summer (with minimal supervision).

Host a food drive for Manna Food Center

Check out the Most Needed Foods list, make flyers, and let your neighbors know your kids will do porch pickup of food donations. Summer time is a lean time for food pantries so getting your neighborhood involved to bridge the summer food gap!

Paint Kindness Rocks inspired by Small Things Matter

Create kindness rocks to be abandoned and discovered by others as a Random Act of Kindness. Spread messages of love and kindness throughout your community!

Pick Up Litter on your Street for the Friends of Sligo Creek

Grab a trash bag and gloves and send your kids down your street to pick up the trash that gathers in the gutters. Trash gets washed to the creek from gutters so picking up trash along your street can help protect Sligo Creek!

Make Cards for our Senior Community Members through Silver Spring Village

Put your kids’ art skills to use and make beautiful drawings, colorings or cards to give to Silver Spring Village to distribute to their clients.

Clean out Closets for Mary’s Center

Two birds, one stone here, parents! Have your kids clean out their closets and toys and donate gently used things they no longer wear/play with to Mary’s Center for the families they serve.

Make a Green Map for One Montgomery Green

Kids are important participants in the Green Map System, helping to locate bike lanes, farmers markets, wildlife habitats, cultural heritage sites and more. Lean more about Youth Green Mapmakers.

Send a Thank You Note to our Veterans through the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic

Veterans, their families and caregivers all deserve our thanks! Sending notes to thank them for their service is a great way to support them as they receive care.

Have a Pajama Drive for Comfort Cases

Invite your family and friends to collect PJs to provide to Comfort Cases to give dignity to youth entering foster care.

Advocate for Poverty Solutions with Interfaith Works

Encourage your child to look up your legislators (local, state and national) and write to them about helping families who struggle to make ends meet. It’s never too early to let our politicians know that future voters care about the needs of the poor in our community. Get more information on poverty solutions.

Make a casserole (or 3!) for Shepherd’s Table

Use the recommended recipe for casseroles and freeze them to deliver to families through Shepherd’s Table. It’s a great way to get kids in the kitchen and helping others!

Thank you for getting your kids involved early in caring for our community. These are just a few suggestions on how to get involved but most importantly, teaching children about helping others and finding a cause or group to be passionate about raises up a generation of caring kids! Don’t forget to let us know what great things you’re doing for others this summer! We love to give shout outs! Email and use #silverspringcares.